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We are lucky to have our school in a beautiful rural setting. This brings many opportunities, however, a challenge it provides is parking at both the start and end of the school day.

We expect all parents to park sensibly to safeguard the children and families within our community and enable all to enter and exit the school safely.

To support with parking, you may consider:

  • We have contacted ‘The Half Moon Inn’, Old Heathfield. They have offered our parents to utilise their car park at drop off and pick up times. Please treat the car park with care and respect. We are extremely grateful for their goodwill gesture.
  • Parking at the top of the hill beside the swing park where there is more room to park.
  • Parking at the bottom of school hill and walking up to school.

Please do not park at the bottleneck leading up to the school. This is a narrow, dangerous area and will lead to congestion and worse still, a child being struck.