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Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team

Executive Headteacher: Miss Catherine Cottingham

Head of School and Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Alex Baptie

Federation School Business Manager: Mrs Lauren Robinson

Federation SENCO: Mrs Kally Livingston (klivingston@sussexspires.co.uk)

Barn Owls (Reception)

Mrs Russell

Red Kites (Years 1 and 2)

Miss King

Sparrowhawks (Years 3 and 4)

Mrs Hudd

Buzzards (Years 5 and 6)

Mrs McDonald

Forest School Leader

Mrs Lindsay

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Alsop

Mrs Aronson

Mrs Finbow

Mrs Lindsay

Mrs Russell

Mrs Watkins

Miss Wood

Thrive Practitioners

Mrs Watkins

Mrs Aronson

Administration Staff

Finance Assistant: Mrs Richardson

Secretary: Mrs Cuming

SENCO Assistant: Mrs Volker

Premises Staff

Caretaker: Mr Blake

Cleaner: Mr Alghabra