Years 3 and 4
Welcome to our Sparrowhawks class page! We are taught by Mrs Hudd.
Term 3 Learning

Our PE days are: Monday and Friday
Children are to come into school in their PE kits.
Sparrowhawks have Forest School on Wednesday in Term 3
Our library day is Tuesday.
Borrowed books will be brought home, they should be returned the following week.
Homework is set on Google Classroom every Friday.
You will find spelling and timetables homework for you and your child to engage with, the test for these will take place on the following Friday.
Useful Websites:
As Year 4 undertake the Statutory Multiplication Test in Term 6 we would encourage as much practice as possible around timetables up to 12. To practise their timetables we suggest using Timetable Rockstars: Times Tables Rock Stars ( If your child needs their login details please contact the class teacher.