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We are proud to have achieved the School Games Mark Gold Award for the third year in a row!


At ASSR our aim is to ensure that all children are engaged in, enjoy and understand the value and importance of physical education for both mental and physical health. We strive to achieve this through quality teaching of the subject, allowing our children access to a range of equipment, sports teaching and cross-curricular activities encouraging inclusivity for all age ranges, abilities and needs.

Across Key Stage 1, teachers instil knowledge of team games, basic movement, such as running, jumping, skipping, and introduce the art of performance through dance and gymnastics. These skills are vital for the physical development of our youngsters as they grow and progress into Key Stage 2.

Over Key Stage 2, the children partake in the learning of more complex and in-depth skills, such as playing competitive games and understanding the basic principles of attacking and defending. This, as well as performance through dance, to develop flexibility and strength, and taking part in outdoor activities, enables our children to develop into experienced sportsmen and women. With the wide range of activities, sports and equipment the children have access to at ASSR, our mission is to give them strategies to manage both their physical and mental health and the demands of everyday life. We strive to develop our children’s personalities through sport, with the hope that, as they grow, they will thrive and develop a lifelong passion for physical education.

We proudly encourage healthy living at ASSR and we are an active member of the Heathfield School Sports Partnership.