Welcome to our Buzzards Page! We are taught by Mrs McDonald.
Term 1 Learning
term 1 buzzards curriculum letter docx.pdf
Our PE days are: Monday and Friday
Children are to come into school in their PE kits.
Buzzards have Forest School on Wednesday in Term 3.
Our library day is Wednesday.
Borrowed books will be brought home, they should be returned the following week.
Homework is set each Friday via Google Classroom.
Spellings are set each Friday. These are to be learnt and placed into full sentences in preparation for their assessment on the following Friday. Spelling sentences are to be submitted via Google Classroom.
The children are tested on their times-tables every Friday in class. These will be marked and the children informed which times-table to learn the following Monday.
Further weekly Maths homework (based on what we have been learning in class) will bet set each Friday. This will be set via Google Classroom and is due in the following Wednesday.
Buzzards are asked to read daily and record this into their reading record.
Useful Websites:
Hit the Button- Great for revising Times-tables
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (