Joining ASSR in Reception Class
If your child is due to start primary school in September 2024, you must apply for a school place via East Sussex County Council’s website. The closing date for applications for September 2024 intake is 15 January 2024 . National offer day for primary school places is 16 April 2024. Please visit the County Council website for further details on school admissions.
East Sussex County Council's website has lots of information to help parents and carers who are applying for their child's school place.
Please click here for the East Sussex Admissions webpage
Starting school for the first time
Starting school is an important milestone in every child’s life and at ASSR we are passionate about making the transition to school a positive one for every pupil.
All children starting school in Reception will receive a home visit from the Reception Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant. This gives us the opportunity to speak to our new families and see the children in a setting where they are most comfortable.
Following the nursery visit all parents and carers are invited to a meeting at ASSR to discuss the arrangements for starting school and parents have the opportunity to ask questions.
The children are then invited to come and spend a session in school getting to know their new surroundings.
Our new reception starters are allocated buddies from Year 6 who will help them to settle in from September. The buddies will write a letter to their Reception Pupil with a photo attached.
Finally in September, just before the children start school, the class teacher visits the children at home.
In year admissions
An in-year admission is the admission of a pupil to a school which takes place outside of the normal entry times. We recommend parents and carers apply online at the East Sussex County Council site, following the link below.
Please contact our School Secretary, Mrs Cuming if you have any questions about admissions